Banyan fruits.Ficus bengalensis |
English:Banyan tree
Telugu:Marri chettu
Tamil:Aala maram
This tree has many medicinal properties but this post is about the healing properties of the fruit.
This tip is told by Panditha Elchuri.
A fruit is made as an offering to the Banyan tree and it is highly recommended that the person say thanks to the tree for the help-( It is always good etiquette to say thanks -even to a tree I guess..)
The fruit is collected ,washed and cut into 4 parts and dried in the sun .It is made into a smooth powder.
1-This banyan fruit powder is mixed with
2 - an equal quantity of Mishri or rock candy sugar and
3 - half the amount of Jeera powder.(aka cumin).
This mixture is stored in a glass jar.
Some dry pieces of fruit may be stored in bulk which is useful to make a fresh batch of the given mixture.
The dosage per day is- half a spoon for children and one spoon for adults with a glass of milk which can be sweetened with Mishri.
Benefits for children:
- Children grow taller
- Weak children become stronger and their complexion improves.
- The memory of children improves dramatically.
- A better behavioral change is seen in extremely stubborn children.
Benefits for Men:
- Men become stronger and get a lustre of youth.
- It is very potent and improves men's health in general and reduces the early discharge problem in men.
Benefits for Ladies:
- All kinds of gynec problems are solved if ladies take this powder twice a day.
This includes - Excess discharge in periods,cysts in ovaries,white discharge problem,spotting between periods,repeated natural abortions,very light periods,some kinds of infertility and polyps.
- It also tones up the body and firming the flabby areas giving them a youthful appearance.
For old people:
It acts a rejuvenant for the old.